How to go Khatu Shyam Ji during Mela? It is about that during traffic jam condition, how can we reach Khatu Shyam Ji from Reengus by alternate route.
Nowadays, there is a huge crowd of devotees going to Khatu Shyam Ji on Saturdays, Sundays and government holidays.
Every month on Ekadashi and Dwadashi, the fair of Khatu Shyam Ji is held, due to which people are seen everywhere in Khatu for these two days.
Similarly, many times the road going from Ringas to Khatu is closed for several hours due to traffic jam. People get stuck in the jam for several hours.
Along with this, when Lakkhi fair is held in Falgun, at that time vehicles are stopped on the Ringas to Khatu Shyam Ji route and this route is opened only for pedestrians.
In all these situations, you should go from another route instead of this route going from Ringas to Khatu so that the problem of traffic jam can be avoided.
To go by this other route, you will have to go to Mandha Mod beyond Thikriya at a distance of about 20 km from Ringas on the Ringas-Sikar route.
From Mandha Mod, one can go to Khatu Shyam Ji via Mandha Village. The distance to reach Khatu Shyam Ji from Ringas via Mandha Mod is about 27 km.
See also in Hindi मेले के समय रींगस से खाटू श्याम जी कैसे जाएँ?
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