Delhi to Khatu Shyam Distance

Delhi to Khatu Shyam Distance, it is about the distance of Delhi to Khatu Shyam Ji along with different routes of Khatu Shyam from Delhi via Ringas.

Delhi to Khatu Shyam Distance

The distance of Khatu Shyam Ji from Delhi is about three and a half hundred kilometers, in which the distance from Delhi Sarai Rohilla to Jaipur Junction is about 265 kilometers and the distance of Khatu Shyam Ji from Jaipur is about 80 kilometers.

Thus, the total distance of Khatu Shyam Ji from Delhi is about 350 kilometers. Both bus and train are available to go from Delhi to Jaipur.

If you want to come to Khatu by bus from Delhi, then you have to come to Jaipur via National Highway No. 48. By this route, you have to come to Jaipur via Bhiwadi, Behror, Kotputli, Shahpura.

If you want to come to Khatu by train from Delhi, then you can come to Jaipur Junction via Alwar. From Jaipur, you can go to Khatu via Reengus by bus or train.

Now we talk about the route to Khatu Shyam Ji from Delhi which goes directly from Delhi to Khatu. There is no need to go to Jaipur through this route.

On going through this short route, the distance from Delhi Sarai Rohilla to Khatu Shyam Ji is about 270 kilometers which is about 70 kilometers less than the route via Jaipur.

If you want to come to Khatu from Delhi by bus, then you will have to first come to Shahpura via National Highway No. 48.

Instead of going to Jaipur from Shahpura, you will have to go to Ringas via Ajitgarh, Shrimadhopur. You have to go to Khatu by road from Ringas.

If you want to come to Khatu from Delhi by train, then you have to get down at Ringas Junction from the train going from Delhi to Phulera via Rewari, Narnaul, Neem Ka Thana, Shrimadhopur, Ringas. You have to go to Khatu by road from Ringas.

Of these two routes from Delhi to Khatu, there is a national highway till Ringas from Delhi via Jaipur, while there is a state highway from Shahpura to Ringas via Shrimadhopur. Now you have to decide which route will be right for you.

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Ramesh Sharma

My name is Ramesh Sharma. I am a registered pharmacist. I am a Pharmacy Professional having M Pharm (Pharmaceutics). I also have MSc (Computer Science), MA (History), PGDCA and CHMS. Usually, I travel at hidden historical heritages to feel the glory of our history. I also travel at various beautiful travel destinations to feel the beauty of nature. I write religious articles related to temples and spiritual places specially Khatu Shyamji also. I love to write poetries also.

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