How to go to Khatu Shyam? It gives information about how to reach Khatu Shyam Ji via Reengus by taxi, bus, train and plane from Jaipur and Delhi.
Khatushyamji city is located at a distance of about 80 km from Jaipur and about 275 km from Delhi. Ringas Junction is the nearest railway station, which is about 18 km from Khatu.
If you want to go to Khatushyamji, you have to first come to Reengus city and then go to Khatushyamji from here. Many people go to Khatu by walking from Ringas.
You can go to Khatushyamji by your car, bus, train and plane. If you are coming from Jaipur or Delhi by your car or bus, then you have to first come to Ringas and from here go to Khatushyamji. If you are coming by train, then the nearest railway station is also Ringas Junction.
If you are coming by plane, then you have to come to the nearest airport i.e. Jaipur International Airport, then from here you can go to Ringas by train, bus or taxi.
Now we tell you how to go to Khatu Shyam Ji from Ringas?
If you want to go to Khatu Shyam Ji, then you will have to go to Ringas because the way to Khatu Shyam Ji is via Ringas. Ringas town is connected by both rail and road. This town is located at a distance of about 65 km from Jaipur on National Highway No. 52 going from Jaipur to Sikar.
The nearest railway station to Khatu Shyam Ji town is Ringas Railway Station. Ringas Railway Station is connected to all the big towns in all four directions like Jaipur, Ajmer, Delhi and Sikar. Khatushyam Ji town is on the Danta Ramgarh route from Ringas. The distance from Ringas to Khatu Shyam Ji is about 18 km and it is connected to the state highway.
To go to Khatu Shyam Temple from Ringas, first of all you have to come to Khatu turn from Ringas Junction or Roadways Bus Stand. Since the distance is not much, you can come here by auto or on foot. A large number of buses and taxis are available to reach Khatu Shyam Ji Temple from Khatu Mod.
See also in Hindi खाटू श्याम कैसे जाएँ?
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