Khatu Shyam Mandir open or closed today? - Shyam Darshan Status, it tells about whether the darshan of Khatu Shyam temple will be open or closed today.
There is information for all Shyam devotees that due to special service worship and tilak of Shri Shyam Prabhu, the doors of Shyam temple will be closed for darshan today on 4 February 2025.
The temple committee has appealed to the Shyam devotees on its letterhead that the darshan of Baba Shyam will be closed from 9:30 pm on 3 February to 5 pm on 4 February.
Keeping this in mind and to avoid inconvenience, all Shyam devotees should come to Khatu Shyam temple for the darshan of Baba Shyam only at scheduled time.
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