Khatu Shyam Birthday - When and how is celebrated?

Khatu Shyam Birthday - When and how is celebrated?, it tells about the Shyam Janmotsav or Kartik Shyam Mahotsav or Baba Shyam Birthday celebration.

Date of Khatu Shyam Janmdin

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Among the major festivals of Shyam Baba, the most important festival is the birth anniversary of Shyam Baba. Baba Shyam's birthday is celebrated all over the country but it is celebrated with special pomp in the Shyam Temple of Khatu.

To celebrate Baba's birthday, Shyam devotees from all over India start coming to Khatu Nagari many days in advance. A two-day fair is organized on Baba's birthday.

Khatu Shyam Birthday

At the time of Shyam Janmotsav, a huge crowd of devotees gather in Khatu city. You can estimate the number of devotees from the fact that during these two days neither any Dharamshala nor any hotel is found empty in Khatu and its surrounding towns.

During this two-day fair of Shyam Janmotsav, the entire Khatu city gets immersed in the devotion of Shyam. The administration has to work hard to maintain proper arrangements for the devotees.

Why is Khatu Shyam birthday celebrated?

Baba Shyam was born on Ekadashi, the 11th date of Shukla Paksha of Kartik month, so this day holds special significance for all Shyam devotees. That's why all Shyam devotees consider this day as the birthday of Khatu Shyam ji.

Is Shyam Baba's Patotsav called Janmotsav?

Actually, Devuthani Ekadashi of the month of Kartik is not Shyam Baba's Janmotsav but Patotsav. Shyam devotees gave Baba Shyam's Patotsav the form of Janmotsav and now the tradition of celebrating Shyam Baba's birthday every year has started.

Patotsav means the festival of the installation of the idol of God, that is, on this day the Pran Pratishtha of the idol of God was done in the temple in which God himself was installed inside the idol.

Considering this day as very auspicious, it is celebrated every year as a festival like an anniversary. In Khatu Shyam Ji, this day is celebrated as Shyam Baba's birthday.

When is Shyam Baba's birthday celebrated?

Hare Ka Sahara, Lord Shri Krishna's Kalyugi Avatar, Lakhdatar, Sheesh Ka Dani Baba Shyam's birthday is celebrated every year on Devuthani Ekadashi of Kartik Shukla Paksha.

How is Khatu Shyam Ji Birthday celebrated?

Baba Shyam's birthday is known as Shyam Janmotsav, Shyam Mahotsav, Kartik Mahotsav and Baba Shyam's Birthday.

On this day the temple is decorated with flowers. After this Baba Shyam is bathed with perfume.

Baba's devotees from all over the country come to Baba's temple with colorful Nishan in their hands and shout Shyam Baba ki Jai, Khatu Naresh ki Jai, Sheesh ke Dani ki Jai etc.

These people offer mava cake in Baba's court and say Happy Birthday to Baba and also cut the cake.

Along with this, Shyam Janmotsav programs are also organized in hotels and Dharamshalas and many cakes are cut.

On this occasion, different types of cakes are available at most of the prasad shops in the market.

What to do on Khatu Shyam Ji's birthday?

On the birthday of Khatu Shyam ji, worship Baba in a proper way and make him receive his favorite bhog. Raw cow milk, kheer churma and mawa peda are prominent in Baba's favorite bhog.

Video about Khatu Shyam Birthday

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Ramesh Sharma

My name is Ramesh Sharma. I am a registered pharmacist. I am a Pharmacy Professional having M Pharm (Pharmaceutics). I also have MSc (Computer Science), MA (History), PGDCA and CHMS. Usually, I travel at hidden historical heritages to feel the glory of our history. I also travel at various beautiful travel destinations to feel the beauty of nature. I write religious articles related to temples and spiritual places specially Khatu Shyamji also. I love to write poetries also.

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